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   Ultimately the story of the face jug is constructed by the people who carry its    

legacy forward into the future.

   * Descendants who've treasured their family's African heritage and kept the secrets passed down to them safely until now.

  *  Writers who've chased down facts to connect snippets of oral history to

their beginnings.

   * Scholars who've dedicated their lives to the study of Kongolese art and the complicated history of Afro-Carolinans. 

    * Artisans who faithfully re-create 19th Century pottery and keep the 150 year old craft of Edgefield/Aiken County pottery alive.


Hear them talk about their very personal perspectives when you click on the images in this section.








Friends of the Aiken County Historical Museum //

& the Aiken County Historical Commission

provided the funds for this project


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